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Our Mission

InnerGuide develops holistic-style workshops, seminars and videos that empower individuals to tap into their innate personal power to create an extraordinary life.

Our Philosophy

To live authentically and reach your full potential, you must first look within. By exploring your inner self, you uncover your true nature, needs and beliefs, enabling you to heal and work towards overcoming past limitations. This inner journey requires courage.

As a life and spiritual coach, I walk the same path as you, seizing each day as an opportunity for growth. There are countless spiritual practices and approaches to changing, but ultimately, the answers we seek are inside us. By identifying and addressing internal obstacles, we can transform and move towards our desired selves.

My role is to gently guide you in self-exploration. Whether in an individual or group setting, I’ll provide various perspectives without dictating beliefs; acting as a mirror to reflect your questions back to you. As your guide, I’ll help you navigate life’s big questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What brings me happiness and peace?
  • What is holding me back?
  • How do I overcome my obstacles?

We’re not here to fix you because you are not broken. As humans, you may have wandered off your path or simply have yet to discover it. Life is about staying true to your unique journey and becoming your authentic self.

Transformation doesn’t fundamentally change who you are, but through self-awareness, aligns who you are at your core with how you interact and experience life. Ultimately, everyone seeks the same things—to return to a place of inner peace, love, and wisdom.

Our work is to help you find your way back home to yourself.


Our Story

As the trailblazers that began the massive trend of interactive lifestyle planners over a decade ago, InnerGuide has helped thousands of people gain self-awareness, break free of the patterns that held them back and have fun doing it. InnerGuide launched their first line of self-coaching planners in 2013, designed to give them a structure to help them activate a life of success and true happiness.

In 2024 InnerGuide is transitioning away from printed products to holistic-style workshops, seminars and videos. Our goal is to connect with you more directly and offer a more personal experience. We believe that InnerGuide’s new online services will better support you to achieve your professional, personal and spiritual goals.

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About the Co-founders

Lynda D'Amico

A love of beauty, a passion for truth and a strong desire to serve others inspired Lynda to become an artist and Reiki healer. Seeking wider horizons and deeper experiences, she traveled to Europe, Central and South America to explore culture, art and healing modalities. Lynda is also a certified HeartMath® mentor; teaching people strategies to self-regulate their emotions and energy in the face of daily challenges so they can bring their best to every situation. She believes that by practicing self-awareness, acceptance and living from the heart, we can transform ourselves and the world.

A talented fine artist and graphic designer, Lynda has exhibited her art internationally, and it has been placed extensively in private and corporate collections. After working as an art director and designer for some of the major New York publishing companies for many years, she brings her passion for art and design to the InnerGuide brand.

Jacques Lamour

Never satisfied with the ordinary, Jacques has always been in search of the deeper meaning of life. His interest in human development led him to study several personal growth modalities and a number of spiritual traditions. Extended travels to Tahiti, India and Nepal further fueled his interest and commitment to finding ways to create a purposeful and balanced life for himself and others. He is the founder and host of “Create the Life You Want” teleseminar series, bringing InnerGuide’s Life Coach in-a-Book to life. His driving force and his passion are to empower individuals to reach their full potential.

After a decades-long career in hospitality management, where he incorporated much of what he learned, Jacques is now focusing on reaching a wider range of people through publishing, speaking and facilitating workshops. Jacques is also a life coach, gifted motivational speaker and foodie.

Photos by social_luniac

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