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2021—An Opportunity For A New Kind Of Success

2021—An Opportunity for a New Kind of Success

If there’s one thing we learned about 2020, it’s that success isn’t just about accomplishing goals. What really came into focus while facing the challenges of Covid-19, was the work we had to do on the inside to help us navigate this new set of circumstances.

For one, we needed a huge dose of acceptance. And, developing inner qualities such as compassion, patience, a peaceful heart, acceptance and faith became paramount.

Considering all the stress you went through last year, what if you skip making the usual New Year’s resolutions and simply choose to see every day as a fresh start? What if you saw each day as an opportunity to shift into a new kind of mindset of success—one that is capable of holding space for the whole beautiful, unique and imperfect, perfect you?

If you truly want to be successful this year, you’ll need to develop a healthy inner world. While working toward outer goals is pretty straightforward (set small and measurable goals with a timeline, follow through with actions and get results), developing inner qualities can be elusive!

While it’s necessary to aspire to become a better version of yourself, it can’t be accomplished by trying to “fix” yourself. In other words, when you recognize behavior that you’re not proud of—forcing it to go away, repressing it or scolding yourself because of it—only makes matters worse. Transformation and growth can only come from witnessing that behavior in the purest sense—without judgment and meeting yourself with loving awareness of the truth of where you are right now.

What if you considered 2021 as the year to rediscover who you are by uncovering the positive qualities that already exist within you?

Reflecting back on last year, what did you learn about yourself and life? Are there inner qualities you’d like to bring out more?

2021 will bring new opportunities and challenges. And, by embracing this new version of success—being kind to yourself (and others), counting your blessings and simply doing your best—you’ll be on the path to a meaningful, joyful and inspiring new year!

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