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How To Create A Sanctuary In Your Home

How to Create a Sanctuary in Your Home

“Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based

thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of light.”

—Marianne Williamson

If you’re sheltering at home and feeling restless, unsettled or disconnected, consider setting up a small space to serve as your personal refuge; a place where you can go to pray, meditate, journal or just be. 

This simple, creative project should be approached with an attitude of self-care. And, if you enjoyed the process and found it helpful, consider guiding your children to do the same. Here are some simple ideas to help you get started.

Create Your Sacred Space in Five Easy Steps

  1. Choose a location that is away from a lot of activity such as a corner of a bedroom or spare room.
  2. Place a small low table to hold items that are meaningful to you. If you don’t have one, anything will do such as an old wooden crate.
  3. Find something comfortable to sit on like a meditation cushion or pillow. The closer you are to the floor, the more grounded you’ll feel.
  4. On your table place items that you find beautiful or love such as items you collected on a nature walk, inspirational quotes, photographs, crystals or fresh flowers. These items should speak to your soul in a way that is both nurturing and inspiring, and that connects you to your heart or spiritual nature.
  5. Experiment by bringing in different items to see what works best for you, adding or deleting items as you go along.

Helpful Tips for Using Your Personal Space

  1. Dedicate 5-10 minutes a day to sit in your space first thing in the morning and/or in the evening after the busyness of the day concludes. Choose a time when there will be no interruptions. Shut off all electronics and leave them in another room.
  2. Incorporate small rituals such as lighting a candle to honor yourself or placing written intentions or prayers for yourself and loved ones in a beautiful container.
  3. Use your space to set an intention for the day, pray or express gratitude. You may also choose to meditate or sit quietly with awareness to see what surfaces for you.
  4. Once centered in a deep steady breath, a more active way to use your space is to ask God/Spirit to show you what you need to know regarding a specific situation, or show you areas in your life where you need to grow to become a more compassionate, loving being.
  5. Keep a journal nearby to write down or sketch any thoughts, images or inspired ideas that may come to you.

There’s no right or wrong way to create or use your space; just do what feels right to you and make changes according to your needs. Consider your sanctuary as a gift for yourself.

Using it every day will help grounded you to live more consciously during this crises, offer perspective on what’s truly important and deepen your connection with your spiritual practice, authentic self and loved ones.

Want to start a gratitude or meditation practice but not sure how? Click on the links below to get started today!





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