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InnerGuide Interviewed On Tiffany Carter’s ProjectME Podcast

InnerGuide Interviewed on Tiffany Carter’s ProjectME Podcast

Lynda D’Amico, co-founder of InnerGuide, was interviewed by inspirational and success entrepreneur Tiffany Carter. Tiffany is a former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Her podcast, ProjectMe, uses a lively conversational format where listeners receive inspiration & tips to help them create an exceptional life.

Tiffany describes InnerGuide as “A unique brand of both daily and goal focused planners, which empowers people to achieve their dreams through strategic exercises on mindset, inner awareness, and action setting techniques. The InnerGuide planners are my new favorite success tool!”

We highly recommend subscribing to her lively podcast called ProjectMe on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher. You can also follow her on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany or on Facebook @projectmewithtiffany.

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