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Finding Peace In The Chaos

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Does it feel like your life has been spinning out of control?

So many people do. Ever since the Covid-19 Pandemic has arrived at our doorsteps, there has been rapid change in the way we go about our day-to-day lives. And then there are the other challenges: Inflation is at an all-time high making common needs such as food and gas more expensive. Basic securities that we once enjoyed are now under threat. As the division between people widens, we are collectively witnessing breakdowns in friendships and family. The line between fact and fiction have become blurred, causing confusion and mistrust. Droughts, fires, food shortages and war are a constant threat, leaving many anxious and afraid. The threat of Covid still lingers along with the devastating effects it has left on people and businesses all over the world. And, while we try to adapt to the “new normal,” we continue to worry about the kind of world our children will inherit.

It is easy to understand how these additional stresses can cause anxiety and fear. And if we are not careful, these highly charged emotions can wreak havoc in our lives, causing breakdowns within our work, social and family arenas. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Just because the world is in a state of turmoil, doesn’t mean you have to be. What if you acknowledged your emotions without being consumed by them?

What if, despite the chaos, you created your own sense of peace and safety within?

Even though most of these events and circumstances you’re experiencing are out of your control, you can detangle yourself from the chaos by intentionally shifting into a more peaceful mode of being. In doing so, you become an active participant in healing not only yourself, but your family, community and the world. As an energetic being, the feeling behind the actions you take is either contributing positive or negative energy to our interconnected world. For example, when fighting an oppressor, let your love and desire for justice and equality for all be the driving force behind your voice and actions—not your anger.

While you may feel ready to throw in the towel, this is the precise time that you need to be courageous and hopeful. Focusing on the light, despite the presence of darkness enables you to emanate compassion and gratitude. Living from this place, life’s gifts come into focus— a passerby’s gentle smile, sparkles of light dancing on the water, your child’s hug and countless other treasures yet to be discovered. Your ability to stay connected to these heart-centered emotions such as love and gratitude will not only carry you though rough waters but will also help you to thrive.

The chaos of the world cannot extinguish the eternal flame of your spirit unless you allow it to.

Each one of us can participate in creating a kinder, more heart-centered world. One where despite challenges, we live our lives from a perspective of kindness and cooperation. Every day you must choose to be the light, by doing things that uplift you when you start to feel ungrounded, hopeless and scared.

Despite our erroneous beliefs and human limitations, we are awesome beings of light and love. Our desire is to help you connect with the ultimate peace inside of you, with the preciousness of life, and aid you in embarking on the journey of discovering who you truly are.

If you find you need help creating new and healthier patterns, check out our Planning Pads and Life Coach-in-a Book. They offer heart-centered, power-packed approaches to living from a place of connection, centeredness and authenticity and meant to be your daily personal coach.

Don’t know where to start? Below are a few suggestions to help you step out of fear and overwhelm and into your true self.

START A DAILY PRACTICE A daily practice such as journaling, meditation or gardening can strengthen your connection with the calm within and help you stay centered. Your inner well of peace will not only be your personal refuge during difficult times, it will also serve as a grounding force for those around you.

FIND COMMON GROUND As the world becomes more polarized, look within to see where you might be contributing to the divisions in your own life. Consider how you can cultivate connectedness with others.

SPEND TIME IN NATURE Recalibrate your brain by giving yourself time to slow down and tune in to the healing vibration of nature. Doing so will reduce stress to your central nervous system and enable you to establish common ground with those who are different than you through your words and actions. These efforts will contribute to achieving peace within yourself and on keeping your attention on more positive emotions.

LIVE MINDFULLY Instead of living on autopilot—thinking, reacting and speaking without being fully conscious, take a break from your normal routine to reflect on your life and simply observe. Doing so allows you to see things as they are, not how you’ve been “trained” to perceive them. This practice will help you see through the eyes of a child again, revealing a new and hopeful world.

SERVE OTHERS Offering yourself to others in need will often give you a fresh perspective on your personal struggles. Giving, even if it’s a compliment, offering your seat to someone or a phone call to let someone know you are thinking of them can make a huge difference in someone’s day. When you truly come from your heart, it sends healing vibrations to both the sender and receiver.

It is our deepest hope that our products will help you chart a course to connect with the most amazing thing in your life… YOU!

Just accept yourself for all that is human within – your longing, joy, pain, shortcomings, strengths, vulnerabilities and passions – are all yours to embrace.

When we accept and  integrate all parts of yourself, you operate from your center, where you have an inner reserve of strength and resilience.

We’d love to hear what you do to shift into a more positive mindset!


“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself” — Rumi

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